What Makes Dental Implants Different?

If you are dealing with tooth loss in Kenosha, WI, but don’t want to have a bridge or wear dentures, you might want to look into dental implants. A qualified dentist such as Dr. Todd A. Armstrong, can answer all your questions and help you find out more about dental implants.Dental Implants

The fact is, dental implants are one of the most common dental procedures done today. In fact, dental implants are considered the most durable and most natural of all tooth replacement procedures.

One of the first questions many people in Kenosha ask is, “what makes dental implants different?”

First, dental implants, like dental bridges, are permanent. That means they will be more stable and more natural feeling than dentures.

Unlike bridges, however, dental implants are actually placed into your natural jaw tissue rather than attached to any existing teeth. What that means is that dental implants are going to be more stable than a traditional dental bridge. Also, your Kenosha dentist is not going to have to file or grind any existing teeth to prepare them to anchor a dental bridge. Instead, the dentist is going to install your dental implant(s) directly into your jawbone. Instead of removing existing bone, gum, or tooth enamel tissues, the procedure is going to actually stimulate growth of your natural jawbone tissues; the bone will actually grow around the implant, anchoring it securely into the jaw. Once this is done, the dentist screws in a titanium post and permanently attaches a prosthetic tooth, known as a crown, onto the post.

The dental implant procedure will take longer than a traditional bridge – usually more than one visit over several months – but the result will be a very stable, natural, long lasting replacement for your real teeth. In fact, dental implants have a better than 98 percent success rate, according to the American Association of Endodontics.

If you are considering dental implants in Kenosha, you should contact Dr. Todd A. Armstrong. For more information call 262-694-7672.

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