The Benefits of Dental Implants

Whether you have lost one, two or an entire arch of teeth, dental implants present solutions uniquely suited to your oral needs. True Dental Implantsartificial teeth in every sense, implants from Dr. Todd Armstrong, your dentist in Kenosha, WI, will restore how you look, eat, speak and even feel about yourself. Why not learn all the benefits these state-of-the-art restorations offer you?

A gapped smile

There's no benefit to it. You feel self-conscious about it. Your remaining teeth weaken and drift. You cannot eat efficiently or even speak right anymore.

Plus, did you know that as soon as you lose even one tooth, your gum tissue and jaw bone shrink? It's true, and the deterioration is so extensive your facial features age, and your bite height changes.

The alternative

It's the dental implant. This titanium screw goes right into the jaw bone, replacing the tooth root you lost. After it fuses with the jaw bone over the course of many weeks to months, the implant accepts an extension post and porcelain crown.' In the case of multi-tooth extractions, two, four or six implants support the prosthetic suited to your appearance and oral health needs: fixed bridgework or a fixed overdenture. Dr. Armstrong will help you decide which option is best for you.

The benefits of dental implants

The biggest benefit is osseointegration. Through this amazing process, your jaw bone wraps around your implant, making it just as strong as a natural tooth root. As time goes on, the bond, and jaw bone density, improve even more, allowing your new tooth to function well.

The Institute for Dental Implant Awareness says implants can last for 40 or more years.

Additional benefits of dental implants include:

  • Ease of placement: a quick, one-visit surgery to insert the implant
  • Natural oral function and enhanced smile appearance
  • Simple oral hygiene requirements (brush and floss as usual and see Dr. Armstrong for check-ups and cleanings)

What's stopping you?

If you're sick of smile gaps, nuisance partial dentures or the embarrassment of a poor personal appearance, change your life through dental implants. Dr. Todd Armstrong and his dedicated team are happy to help. Call the office today for your personalized exam and consultation on state-of-the-art implants: (262) 694-7672.

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