Do You Get an A+ in Oral Health?

It’s important to have the proper oral hygiene in order to protect your gorgeous smile.

Do you think you are the ultimate teeth brusher? Do you pride yourself on caring for your teeth? If so, your family dentist would love to tell you more about what constitutes great oral hygiene. Who knows, maybe you are missing a crucial step for at-home dental care. Let’s test your knowledge a little bit!

Q. How often do you brush your teeth?

A. If you said twice a day, then that’s just great! Sure, we would love for you to give your teeth a lovely once-over after every meal; however, thoroughly brushing twice a day will ensure that cavities and gum disease stay away. Remember: you should also be brushing your tongue, too. This will help remove bacteria and aid in fresher breath.

Q. How often do you floss?

A. Did you say once a day? If so, then you do have good oral hygiene. Congratulations! Just remember to always floss gently. Never pull floss out from between teeth. You should also be using the fresh new parts of the floss for each space between teeth, so that bacteria doesn’t go back into your mouth.

Q. How often do you change your toothbrush?

A. If you said every three or four months, then you are a rarity! This is certainly one habit that most people forget to adopt. However, this rule can be bent a bit. While every three to four months is pretty standard, sometimes the toothbrush bristles will begin to fray sooner. When the bristles fray they aren’t as effective; therefore, if you notice splaying bristles before your three-month mark, it’s best to go ahead and change the brush head or get a new toothbrush so you can continue to brush effectively.

Q. What kinds of foods do you eat?

A. What you put in your body is also important for a health smile. If you frequently indulge in starchy and sugary foods, this can create a breeding ground for bacteria in your mouth. Always eat a balanced diet full of leafy, fibrous greens, lean meats and dairy. Also, try to limit snacks between meals.

Q. What kinds of dental products do you buy?

A. Do you look for the American Dental Association seal of approval? Do you opt for dental products that contain fluoride? If so, then you’re a dental care-shopping pro. It’s important that your smile gets enough fluoride to help keep tooth enamel strong and healthy.

And, of course, you should be visiting your Kenosha family dentist every six months for a routine checkup. Even if you are the most stellar brusher at home, coming into our office biannually ensures that everything in your mouth is healthy and happy. If you need to make your next appointment, don’t hesitate to call us!

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